Error in DNS zone

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by delrossofabio, Oct 6, 2012.

  1. delrossofabio

    delrossofabio New Member

    First, sorry for my bad English...i'm Italian =)

    Anyway, i recentely installed ISPConfig on my VPS.
    Installation was complete succesfully, but i can't set my DNS for domain.

    I have read and i have created my dns record.

    From /var/named/pri.domain.ext

    $TTL        3600
    @       IN      SOA     ns1.domain.ext. admin.domain.ext. (
                            2012100508       ; serial, todays date   todays serial #
                            7200              ; refresh, seconds
                            540              ; retry, seconds
                            604800              ; expire, seconds
                            86400 )            ; minimum, seconds
    domain.ext 86400 A
    domain.ext 86400      MX    10   mail.domain.ext
    domain.ext 86400      NS        ns1.domain.ext
    domain.ext 86400      NS        ns2.domain.ext
    mail 86400 A        ***********.85
    ns1 86400 A        ***********.85
    ns2 86400 A        ***********.124
    www 86400 A        ***********.85
    When i add GLUE RECORD from my Provider, return:

    You must add at least 1 record A in your DNS zone!

    Please help me!
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The dots at the end of the domsins are misding. It has to be domsin.ext. And not domain.ext without dot at the end. Login to ispconfig and add dots at the end of all fully qualified omain names. Btw, if you use the dns wizard, then he dots get added sutomatically.
  3. delrossofabio

    delrossofabio New Member

    I'm logged in ISPCONFIG and i change DNS in:

    A domain.ext. *********.85 0
    A mail *********.85 0
    A ns1 *********.85 0
    A ns2 *********.124 0
    A www *********.85 0
    MX domain.ext. mail.domain.ext 10
    NS domain.ext. ns1.domain.ext 0
    NS domain.ext. ns2.domain.ext 0

    So, my pri.domain.ext is:

    $TTL        3600
    @       IN      SOA     ns1.domain.ext. admin.domain.ext. (
                            2012100604       ; serial, todays date + todays serial #
                            7200              ; refresh, seconds
                            540              ; retry, seconds
                            604800              ; expire, seconds
                            86400 )            ; minimum, seconds
    domain.ext. 86400 A        *********.85
    domain.ext. 86400      MX    10   mail.domain.ext
    domain.ext. 86400      NS        ns1.domain.ext
    domain.ext. 86400      NS        ns2.domain.ext
    mail 86400 A        *********.85
    ns1 86400 A       *********.85
    ns2 86400 A        *********.124
    www 86400 A       *********.85
    I have try to change DNS for domain (by my provider) and the result is the same :(

    It's normally that my dns record is for example:

    ns1 86400 A *********.85

    and not

    ns1 IN A *********.85?

    ? In my old cPanel whas whith "IN"...

    Thank you!
  4. pititis

    pititis Member

    domain.ext. 86400 MX 10 mail.domain.ext.
    domain.ext. 86400 NS ns1.domain.ext.
    domain.ext. 86400 NS ns2.domain.ext.

    Meglio così.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2012
  5. delrossofabio

    delrossofabio New Member

    Ok, thank you.

    Now, my DNS:

    $TTL        3600
    @       IN      SOA     ns1.domain.ext. admin.domain.ext. (
                            2012101613       ; serial, todays date + todays serial #
                            7200              ; refresh, seconds
                            540              ; retry, seconds
                            604800              ; expire, seconds
                            86400 )            ; minimum, seconds
    domain.ext. 86400 A        *********.85
    domain.ext. 86400      MX    10   mail.domain.ext.
    domain.ext. 86400      NS        ns1.domain.ext.
    domain.ext. 86400      NS        ns2.domain.ext.
    mail 86400 A        *********.85
    ns1 86400 A        *********.85
    ns2 86400 A        *********.124
    www 86400 A        *********.85
    I have changed my dns for domain, but not found :(
    When i check dns in intoDNS, it's report:

    NS records got from your nameservers listed at the parent NS are:
    Oups! I could not get any nameservers from your nameservers (the ones listed at the parent server). Please verify that they are not lame nameservers and are configured properly.

    Please help me :(

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