Hello, If a client has no right to set his error pages, he can easily change the default ones which are copied into his web/error folder. Can we do (somehow) the following? 1) For those users who has no right to change their error pages, to set a global default for them outside their web/error dir, i.e. ErrorDocument 400 http://some.other.domain.tld/error/invalidSyntax.html. 2) If this is not possible, not to give permission for those users to alter the contents of the error folder (and that folder itself), i.e. by setting this folder to r--r--r-- or to user apache:apache. 3) It would be nice to have in ISPConfig the ability to set global error pages for all users, instead of copying each time the templates to their dirs. In this way, if we change something to our configuration, we won't have to copy all these files for all our customers manually to their folders...