Error ssl for connect

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by powaserv, Nov 9, 2008.

  1. powaserv

    powaserv New Member

    Hi , all

    After a new facility, I can not access my administration ISPConfig.
    I have error "sec_error_bad_signature."
    I am under ubuntu 8.10.

    I speak very little English, so I go through a translator.
    I do average linux.

    Can you help me?

    Thank you
  2. powaserv

    powaserv New Member

    Is it that I duplicate a certificate ssl?
    Here I test a site for a certificate free of charge.
    Good for my skills are limited in area, I want to without really knowing that I must seek

    At worst how to disable the ssl?

    Thank you
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  4. powaserv

    powaserv New Member


    I have followed is subject.
    And I can not understand is that I do.
    Si se is re-signing. I am trying and it has not worked.
    I disabled the ssl, stinks as I read in another topic.
    Nevertheless, I try to have a free certificate through a site, but when I check the URL, it gives me emails for checks that do not m'appartiennes.
    So for system I am restricted.

    Can you tell me how to recreate a certificate and put in place for a beginner?

    Thank you.
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  6. powaserv

    powaserv New Member


    I already try this, but it did not work.
    As against the ssl I disable on a subject that I saw.
    That you or I can find to try to reactivate the ssl?

    Thank you.

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