[SOLVED] Error when changing things Hello When I try to change something I get on multiple places the following error: This website already has 0 domain(s). You cannot decrease the number of domains. But the change has been commited. The list on the left site of the interface is not updated then. Only after a logout it is updated. What is wrong?
The list on the left side is updated when you click on save or cahnge the module in the upper menu. To the error message. What is the number of domains you set as limit for this website?
Which ISPConfig version are you running? Do the web sites belong to a reseller, or directly to the admin in ISPConfig?
Doesn't work for me. If I change something (even little changes like local mailserver to external mailserver), I get an error. (e.g.) "This website already has 1 domain(s). You cannot decrease the number of domains. After that the maximum domain number has been automatically changed from 1 to 2 - also when I am logged in as reseller. ISPConfig Version is 2.1.0 -- Best regards... Ace
You have to keep in mind that ISPConfig counts also the Co-Domains. For example, when you create a new web site www.example.com, then the Co-Domain example.com is created automatically which increases the domain count to two. Maybe this explains your problem?
Hi! No, there is no Co-Domain. I can reproduce these errors with any new Web I create. -- Best regards... Ace
Did you create the sites as admin or reseller? If you create the sites as reseller, what is the domain limit of the reseller? Have you checked the recycle bin for deleted Co-Domains?
Because of this thread here, I created as reseller; the limit is infinite (-1). The recycle bin is empty.
Yep! Limit set to 10000, created a new web, but the error still occurs. btw: It seems that the error only occurs the first time, setting the maximum number of domains from 1 to 2, but after further more changes, it doesn't complain again. I cannot produce a 2nd (setting max. from 2 to 3 error) with the same web.