Error with cron job script output

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by tortib, Apr 17, 2015.

  1. tortib

    tortib Member

    Hello, I have the following cron entry and I'm having a problem with the output.
    * * * * * /usr/local/ispconfig/server/ 2>&1 > /dev/null | while read line; do echo $(/bin/date) "$line" >> /var/log/ispconfig/cron.log; done
    Here is the cron.log output.
    Fri Apr 17 00:30:02 EDT 2015 sh: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"'
    Fri Apr 17 00:30:02 EDT 2015 Warning: Truncating oversized referrer field
    Fri Apr 17 00:30:02 EDT 2015 sh: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
    The commands
    /usr/bin/php -q /usr/local/ispconfig/server/server.php
    /usr/bin/php -q /usr/local/ispconfig/security/check.php
    Seem to work fine if I execute them manually. But the cron.log has that output error. Also when I run the from the command line it runs without errors. I'm not sure where it's getting /bin/sh from, it was using /bin/sh in the script but I changed it to /bin/bash and it still doesn't work properly. Can anyone help?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Is this a OVH or kimsufi server?
  3. tortib

    tortib Member

    Yes it is.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

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