I have found following errormessage in my maillog: Code: postfix/smtpd[36719]: warning: table "mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql-virtual_client.cf": empty query string -- ignored System is ISPConfig3 on CentOS6.0 installed according to the perfect server guide. The error occurs everytime mail is sent from PHP app on localhost (and not for other mails). I have found the same issue in this thread: http://www.howtoforge.de/forum/allgemein-11/postfix-fehlermeldung-empty-query-string-ignored-3902/ It is 5 year old and have no conclusion, so I thought to ask again. My mysql-virtual_client.cf contains this: Code: user = ispconfig password = password dbname = dbispconfig table = mail_access select_field = access where_field = source additional_conditions = and type = 'client' and active = 'y' hosts = I'm not sure whether there is something wrong or it is normal - the mails seems to be delivered correctly. But I would like to know the reason for the message to be sure. Thanks in advance for your help.
Most likely a header in the email that you sent with php is missing. This isnt critical, so I would ignore it if you dont want to change your php script.
Thaks for the answer. Could you please be more specific about which header could be missing? I don't mind to change the PHP script at all, actually I'd like to improve it if possible.
Could you please write me more about the missing header? Which header could it be? I would like to correct the PHP app so that it won't cause these errors...