Errors in ispconfig.log file for dkim

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by rob_morin, May 30, 2017.

  1. rob_morin

    rob_morin Member

    I found these errors when looking through the ispconfig.log file for something.

    30.05.2017-10:59 - DEBUG - Unable to register function 'domain_dkim_delete' from plugin 'mail_plugin_dkim' for event 'mail_domain_delete'
    30.05.2017-10:59 - DEBUG - Unable to register function 'domain_dkim_insert' from plugin 'mail_plugin_dkim' for event 'mail_domain_insert'
    30.05.2017-10:59 - DEBUG - Unable to register function 'domain_dkim_update' from plugin 'mail_plugin_dkim' for event 'mail_domain_update'

    Do i need to worry?
    Ubunt 16.04
    Ispconfig 3.1

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Maybe there is no email module on this server? Please take a look into the folder /usr/local/ispconfig/server/mods-enabled/ When this server is an email server, then you should find a symlink for the email module there pointing to the email module file in the mods-available folder.
  3. rob_morin

    rob_morin Member

    I see this error on the main web server that has main db for ispconfig. We do not use this server for mail, other than outgoing emails for system reporting services...

    That dir does not contain the mail module.... Should i add it anyway?

  4. rob_morin

    rob_morin Member

    I created a soft link to the module and i do not see the errors anymore in the logs

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