Exception occurred: ISPConfigOSException -> Installing packages failed. (/ispconfig.ai.php:15)

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by kommid, Feb 2, 2024.

  1. kommid

    kommid Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I'm trying to install ISPConfig using the autoinstaller on a fresh debian bookworm minimal. Using the "standard" command:
    wget -O - https://get.ispconfig.org | sh -s -- --use-ftp-ports=40110-40210 --unattended-upgrades
    I get:
    [INFO] Starting perfect server setup for Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)
    [INFO] Checking hostname.
    [INFO] Enabling contrib and non-free repositories.
    [INFO] Updating packages
    [INFO] Updated packages
    [INFO] Installing packages ssh, openssh-server, nano, vim-nox, lsb-release, apt-transport-https, ca-certificates, wget, git, gnupg, software-properties-common, curl, cron, ntp
    [INFO] Installed packages ssh, openssh-server, nano, vim-nox, lsb-release, apt-transport-https, ca-certificates, wget, git, gnupg, software-properties-common, curl, cron, ntp
    [INFO] Activating rspamd repository.
    [INFO] Activating sury php repository.
    [INFO] Activating GoAccess repository.
    [INFO] Updating packages (after enabling 3rd party repos).
    [INFO] Updated packages
    [INFO] Installing packages dbconfig-common, postfix, postfix-mysql, mariadb-client, mariadb-server, openssl, rkhunter, binutils, sudo, getmail6, rsyslog
    [INFO] Installed packages dbconfig-common, postfix, postfix-mysql, mariadb-client, mariadb-server, openssl, rkhunter, binutils, sudo, getmail6, rsyslog
    [INFO] Installing packages dovecot-imapd, dovecot-pop3d, dovecot-mysql, dovecot-sieve, dovecot-managesieved, dovecot-lmtpd
    [INFO] Installed packages dovecot-imapd, dovecot-pop3d, dovecot-mysql, dovecot-sieve, dovecot-managesieved, dovecot-lmtpd
    [INFO] Generating MySQL password.
    [INFO] Writing MySQL config files.
    [INFO] Configuring postfix.
    [INFO] Restarting postfix
    [INFO] Configuring rkhunter.
    [INFO] Installing packages software-properties-common, update-inetd, dnsutils, resolvconf, clamav, clamav-daemon, zip, unzip, bzip2, xz-utils, lzip, borgbackup, arj, nomarch, lzop, cabextract, apt-listchanges, libnet-ldap-perl, libauthen-sasl-perl, daemon, libio-string-perl, libio-socket-ssl-perl, libnet-ident-perl, libnet-dns-perl, libdbd-mysql-perl, bind9, rspamd, redis-server, postgrey, p7zip, p7zip-full, unrar-free, lrzip
    [ERROR] Exception occurred: ISPConfigOSException -> Installing packages failed. (/ispconfig.ai.php:15)
    Any Ideas, what's going wrong here?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Just a guess, this is a ARM server and not a Intel server and the auto-installer (as described in the guide https://www.howtoforge.com/ispconfig-autoinstall-debian-ubuntu/) does not support ARM CPU architecture as not all packages are available for ARM that exist for X86 CPU's.

    So either switch to a server with Intel/AMD X86_64 CPU or use the manual perfect server guide https://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-debian-12-buster-apache-bind-dovecot-ispconfig-3-2/ and leave out packages that do not exist for ARM64.
  3. kommid

    kommid Member HowtoForge Supporter

    It's running on an AMD EPYC™ 7702
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Run these two commands and post the result:
    uname -a
    df -h
    Then run this command and post the result:

    apt install software-properties-common update-inetd dnsutils resolvconf clamav clamav-daemon zip unzip bzip2 xz-utils lzip borgbackup arj nomarch lzop cabextract apt-listchanges libnet-ldap-perl libauthen-sasl-perl daemon libio-string-perl libio-socket-ssl-perl libnet-ident-perl libnet-dns-perl libdbd-mysql-perl bind9 rspamd redis-server postgrey p7zip p7zip-full unrar-free lrzip
  5. kommid

    kommid Member HowtoForge Supporter

    root@conina:~# uname -a
    Linux conina 6.1.0-17-amd64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Debian 6.1.69-1 (2023-12-30)  
    root@conina:~# df -h
    Dateisystem    Größe Benutzt Verf. Verw% Eingehängt auf
    udev            7,8G       0  7,8G    0% /dev
    tmpfs           1,6G    8,6M  1,6G    1% /run
    /dev/vda3       314G    2,8G  299G    1% /
    tmpfs           7,9G     84K  7,9G    1% /dev/shm
    tmpfs           5,0M       0  5,0M    0% /run/lock
    /dev/vda2       974M     88M  820M   10% /boot
    tmpfs           1,6G       0  1,6G    0% /run/user/1000
    root@conina:~# apt install software-properties-common update-inetd dnsutils resolvconf clamav clamav-daemon zip unzip bzip2 xz-utils lzip borgbackup arj no                                                               march lzop cabextract apt-listchanges libnet-ldap-perl libauthen-sasl-perl daemon libio-string-perl libio-socket-ssl-perl libnet-ident-perl libnet-dns-perl                                                                libdbd-mysql-perl bind9 rspamd redis-server postgrey p7zip p7zip-full unrar-free lrzip
    Paketlisten werden gelesen… Fertig
    Abhängigkeitsbaum wird aufgebaut… Fertig
    Statusinformationen werden eingelesen… Fertig
    software-properties-common ist schon die neueste Version (0.99.30-4).
    update-inetd ist schon die neueste Version (4.53).
    dnsutils ist schon die neueste Version (1:9.18.19-1~deb12u1).
    resolvconf ist schon die neueste Version (1.91+nmu1).
    clamav ist schon die neueste Version (1.0.3+dfsg-1~deb12u1).
    clamav-daemon ist schon die neueste Version (1.0.3+dfsg-1~deb12u1).
    zip ist schon die neueste Version (3.0-13).
    unzip ist schon die neueste Version (6.0-28).
    bzip2 ist schon die neueste Version (1.0.8-5+b1).
    xz-utils ist schon die neueste Version (5.4.1-0.2).
    lzip ist schon die neueste Version (1.23-5).
    borgbackup ist schon die neueste Version (1.2.4-1).
    arj ist schon die neueste Version (3.10.22-26).
    nomarch ist schon die neueste Version (1.4-5+b1).
    lzop ist schon die neueste Version (1.04-2).
    cabextract ist schon die neueste Version (1.9-3).
    apt-listchanges ist schon die neueste Version (3.24).
    libnet-ldap-perl ist schon die neueste Version (1:0.6800+dfsg-1).
    libauthen-sasl-perl ist schon die neueste Version (2.1600-3).
    daemon ist schon die neueste Version (0.8-1+b1).
    libio-string-perl ist schon die neueste Version (1.08-4).
    libio-socket-ssl-perl ist schon die neueste Version (2.081-2).
    libnet-ident-perl ist schon die neueste Version (1.25-2).
    libnet-dns-perl ist schon die neueste Version (1.36-1).
    libdbd-mysql-perl ist schon die neueste Version (4.050-5+b1).
    bind9 ist schon die neueste Version (1:9.18.19-1~deb12u1).
    rspamd ist schon die neueste Version (3.8.1-1~b8a2d79ee~bookworm).
    redis-server ist schon die neueste Version (5:7.0.15-1~deb12u1).
    postgrey ist schon die neueste Version (1.37-2).
    p7zip ist schon die neueste Version (16.02+dfsg-8).
    p7zip-full ist schon die neueste Version (16.02+dfsg-8).
    unrar-free ist schon die neueste Version (1:0.1.3-1).
    lrzip ist schon die neueste Version (0.651-2).
    Die folgenden Pakete wurden automatisch installiert und werden nicht mehr benötigt:
      php8.2-cli php8.2-common php8.2-mbstring php8.2-opcache php8.2-readline
    Verwenden Sie »apt autoremove«, um sie zu entfernen.
    0 aktualisiert, 0 neu installiert, 0 zu entfernen und 0 nicht aktualisiert.
    1 nicht vollständig installiert oder entfernt.
    Nach dieser Operation werden 0 B Plattenplatz zusätzlich benutzt.
    Möchten Sie fortfahren? [J/n] J
    resolvconf (1.91+nmu1) wird eingerichtet ...
    resolvconf.postinst: Error: Cannot replace the current /etc/resolv.conf with a symbolic link because it is immutable; to correct this problem, gain root pr                                                               ivileges in a terminal and run 'chattr -i /etc/resolv.conf' and then 'dpkg --configure resolvconf'; aborting
    dpkg: Fehler beim Bearbeiten des Paketes resolvconf (--configure):
     »installiertes post-installation-Skript des Paketes resolvconf«-Unterprozess gab den Fehlerwert 1 zurück
    Fehler traten auf beim Bearbeiten von:
    E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Seems as if this is some virtual machine which tries to protect the resolv.conf file, or the person that set up this base system manually protected the file. The problem is that this protection prevents the installation from standard Debian packages. Try to run:

    chattr -i /etc/resolv.conf

    and then run the apt install command again. if it works now without errors, then run the auto installer again.
  7. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    How was Debian installed on this host? Did you install yourself, how? Did the provide offer a ready image of Debian and you used that?
  8. kommid

    kommid Member HowtoForge Supporter

    hmmm.. something is weird on this machine. Installation went smooth, but the initial configuration failed:
    >> Initial configuration
    Operating System: Debian 12.0 (Bookworm) or compatible
        Following will be a few questions for primary configuration so be careful.
        Default values are in [brackets] and can be accepted with <ENTER>.
        Tap in "quit" (without the quotes) to stop the installer.
    Select language (en,de) [en]:
    Installation mode (standard,expert) [standard]:
    Full qualified hostname (FQDN) of the server, eg server1.domain.tld  [conina.xxxx.xx]:
    MySQL server hostname [localhost]:
    MySQL server port [3306]:
    MySQL root username [root]:
    MySQL root password []: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    MySQL database to create [dbispconfig]:
    MySQL charset [utf8]:
    Checking MariaDB version 10.11.4 .. OK
    ERROR 1698 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'
    ERROR: Unable to load SQL-Dump into database table.
    [INFO] Adding PHP version(s) to ISPConfig.
    [ERROR] Exception occurred: ISPConfigOSException -> Could not read ISPConfig settings file. (/ispconfig.ai.php:15)
    /etc/log/ispconfig_install.log has only one line:
    Fr 2. Feb 14:01:11 CET 2024 - [ISPConfig] - /tmp/ispconfig3_install/install/lib/installer_base.lib.php, Line 376: read in ispconfig3.sql
  9. kommid

    kommid Member HowtoForge Supporter

    It's a Netcup KVM root server (hope, it's ok, to name the hoster, if not, pls. delete) and it has been set up using one of the images they provide in their control panel. I've been using this for a long time now and I have another five servers that have been set up this way, and that run ISPConfig. Never had any problems but none of them uses the bookworm image though...
    The image I used is the bookworm minimal image that has only ssh pre-installed
  10. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please reset the VM to the initial state (empty os), then unlock the resolve.conf file using chattr command, then start the auto-installer. Most likely the database was already installed and the new issue that occurred now was caused by installing the auto-installer a second time.
  11. kommid

    kommid Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I already did this for this run because I wanted to have a clean installation for this. So what I did, was re-install the system from the image, as described in my previous post, removed the immutable bit from resolv.conf and then started the autoinstaller process using the turorial here:
  12. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Ok, so their setup is not a standard Debian base image; they must have altered several things there as the auto-installer works fine on any plain and standard Debian install, and it also works fine on base images provided by most hosters, e.g., Hetzner, without any issues.

    But the setup seems to have nearly finished, yo you can do the remaining step manually, first, you must try to login to mariadb as root user, try:

    mysql -u root

    if this passwordless login works, then you must add an additional root user to mysql that is able to login with a password. Most likely netcup modified the system to disallow MatiaDB root logins with a password which can not work for ISPConfig as ISPConfig must be able to authenticate itself to MariaDB. When this is done and you can login to mysql with root user and password, then you can continue with chapter 19 from this guide: https://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-debian-12-buster-apache-bind-dovecot-ispconfig-3-2/
  13. pyte

    pyte Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Is the configuration in /etc/network/interfaces for the main interface set to dhcp by any chance?
  14. kommid

    kommid Member HowtoForge Supporter

    the passwordless login with
    mysql -u root
    does not work, but it works, when I type
    mysql -uroot
    (without the blank after the -u)
  15. kommid

    kommid Member HowtoForge Supporter

  16. pyte

    pyte Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    That makes no sense as it is the same command. the -u flag ignores any spaces between the flag and the string provided. Does not matter if there is 1 space, 100 spaces or even none.

    Than the assuption by till seem most likely to be true.
  17. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I agree, space matters for -p flag but not for -u. At least, I've never seen a system where a space between -u and the username matters.
  18. kommid

    kommid Member HowtoForge Supporter

    you are right, must have been a typo...
    anyway: I set up a new mysql user with all privileges and assigned it in the ISPConfig installation. Everything seems to work fine.
    Thank you very much and have a great weekend
    till likes this.

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