Extend Drive for more space

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by Bob Hall, Nov 5, 2018.

  1. Bob Hall

    Bob Hall New Member

    I have an issue i'm sure you all have run into at some point. I'm using Ubuntu distribution of ISPConfig and the drive is to small. this is running on VMware. I've extended the Virtual Disk to 1TB and now I need to expand the ubuntu drive. i've followed the instructions I found here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/116351/increase-partition-size-on-which-ubuntu-is-installed/940404 (look at the 3rd answer on how to do it live as this is in the cloud) and when I get to he point that I run this command:
    resize2fs /dev/mapper/server1-vg-root (which is the primary partition, i get an error "the filesystem already has XX blocks, Nothing to do!" however the size has not changed. when I do a df -l I can see that /dev/sd1 shows the correct size (1000gb) and that /dev/mapper/server-vg-root still is only 39gb in size.
  2. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I use Proxmox instead of VMware, but making disks bigger goes
    1. increase disk partition size
    2. grow the filesystem to fill the bigger space
    I have made the disk bigger in Proxmox, then boot the virtual host from systemrescuecd to grow the file system.
  3. Bob Hall

    Bob Hall New Member

    i guess i'm struggling with the latter item. i need to find a way to boot a cloud vm from an iso. I was hoping to be able to expand the drive while the system was running.
  4. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I have just run a test version of VMware, and not gotten far in using it. But I think booting from a cd goes the same way as installing from CD, i.e. copy the ISO-image to VMware storage, shutdown the virtual host, add that ISO image as optical drive, boot virtual host and it should boot from that ISO.
    This is the way I have used in Proxmox, and SystemRescueCD has resized the file system OK.
  5. Bob Hall

    Bob Hall New Member

    Thank you for the suggestion Taleman, I am working to get the iso uploaded to the cloud provider so I can boot of the virtual CD ROM and try it that way. I'll update as soon as I can get that accomplished.

    I tried this link: https://www.geoffstratton.com/expand-hard-disk-ubuntu-lvm however i ran into the same issue when I got to step where I run: pvcreate /dev/sda1 basically stating that the filesystem was locked and permission denied.
  6. Bob Hall

    Bob Hall New Member

    I was able to resolve this - thank you all for your suggestions.
    till likes this.

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