eZPublish 5 install process from git

Discussion in 'Suggest HOWTO' started by petter5, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. petter5

    petter5 New Member

    There is a old but excelent tutorial about installing ezpublish.

    Since thath tutorial, a lot of things has changed. It would be nice to see a tutorial setting up a dedicated server for ezpublish based on ubuntu 12.04 LTs or the upcomming 14.04LTS. Ezpublish can be installed from download http://share.ez.no/downloads/downloads/ez-publish-community-project-2014.01 or from GIT. It would be very interesting to get a tutorial installing from git. If possible the following steps should be included:

    A lot of instructions can be found on the Ez website, but a complete step by step tutorual the "Howtoforge way" would be of great value for a sucessfull instalation.
    Requirements and install of Ezpublish, especially new versions after 5.0 has changed a lot since early versions and a step by step process as described abowe, ending up in a vertified sucessfull install of the new ezpublish versions would be great :)
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2014

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