Fail2Ban and BadBots for Apache

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by andresgt2000, Dec 28, 2021.

  1. andresgt2000

    andresgt2000 Member

    First of all I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

    Ubuntu Server: 18.04
    Apache: 2.4.29-1ubuntu4.20
    Fail2ban: 0.10.2-2

    As you can see in the attached document I have enabled the badbots configuration to block them through fail2ban, however it does not perform any blocking.

    I have reviewed several howtoforge articles that talk about the topic:

    Following the first article I did the test that florian030 suggests and that it should work but when I run it, it does not mark it.

    I also ran it with log records that it should mark at production level but it doesn't work.

    If I'm not wrong it's something in the regex or robots customs parameters. Maybe the blanks spaces without \?

    If anyone has an idea of what it might be, they would be grateful.

    Attached Files:

  2. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    Maybe you have a typo/problem in /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/apache-badbots.conf ? I cut/paste the first test of yours and it matches:
    $ fail2ban-regex ' - - [12/Feb/2013:10:53:59 +0100] "GET / HTTP/1.1 200" 39460 "-" "autoemailspider"' /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/apache-badbots.conf
    Running tests
    Use   failregex filter file : apache-badbots, basedir: /etc/fail2ban
    Use      datepattern : ^[^\[]*\[({DATE})
    {^LN-BEG} : Default Detectors
    Use      single line : - - [12/Feb/2013:10:53:59 +0100] "GET / HT...
    Failregex: 1 total
    |-  #) [# of hits] regular expression
    |   1) [1] ^<HOST> -.*"(GET|POST|HEAD).*HTTP.*"(?:Atomic_Email_Hunter/4\.0|atSpider/1\.0|autoemailspider|bwh3_user_agent|China Local Browse 2\.6|ContactBot/0\.2|ContentSmartz|DataCha0s/2\.0|DBrowse 1\.4b|DBrowse 1\.4d|Demo Bot DOT 16b|Demo Bot Z 16b|DSurf15a 01|DSurf15a 71|DSurf15a 81|DSurf15a VA|EBrowse 1\.4b|Educate Search VxB|EmailSiphon|EmailSpider|EmailWolf 1\.00|ESurf15a 15|ExtractorPro|Franklin Locator 1\.8|FSurf15a 01|Full Web Bot 0416B|Full Web Bot 0516B|Full Web Bot 2816B|Guestbook Auto Submitter|Industry Program 1\.0\.x|ISC Systems iRc Search 2\.1|IUPUI Research Bot v 1\.9a|LARBIN-EXPERIMENTAL \(efp@gmx\.net\)|LetsCrawl\.com/1\.0 \+http\://letscrawl\.com/|Lincoln State Web Browser|LMQueueBot/0\.2|LWP\:\:Simple/5\.803|Mac Finder 1\.0\.xx|MFC Foundation Class Library 4\.0|Microsoft URL Control - 6\.00\.8xxx|Missauga Locate 1\.0\.0|Missigua Locator 1\.9|Missouri College Browse|Mizzu Labs 2\.2|Mo College 1\.9|MVAClient|Mozilla/2\.0 \(compatible; NEWT ActiveX; Win32\)|Mozilla/3\.0 \(compatible; Indy Library\)|Mozilla/3\.0 \(compatible; scan4mail \(advanced version\) http\://www\.peterspages\.net/?scan4mail\)|Mozilla/4\.0 \(compatible; Advanced Email Extractor v2\.xx\)|Mozilla/4\.0 \(compatible; Iplexx Spider/1\.0 http\://www\.iplexx\.at\)|Mozilla/4\.0 \(compatible; MSIE 5\.0; Windows NT; DigExt; DTS Agent|Mozilla/4\.0 efp@gmx\.net|Mozilla/5\.0 \(Version\: xxxx Type\:xx\)|NameOfAgent \(CMS Spider\)|NASA Search 1\.0|Nsauditor/1\.x|PBrowse 1\.4b|PEval 1\.4b|Poirot|Port Huron Labs|Production Bot 0116B|Production Bot 2016B|Production Bot DOT 3016B|Program Shareware 1\.0\.2|PSurf15a 11|PSurf15a 51|PSurf15a VA|psycheclone|RSurf15a 41|RSurf15a 51|RSurf15a 81|searchbot admin@google\.com|Sha
    blastBot 1\.0|snap\.com beta crawler v0|Snapbot/1\.0|Snapbot/1\.0 \(Snap Shots&#44; \+http\://www\.snap\.com\)|sogou develop spider|Sogou Orion
     spider/3\.0\(\+http\://www\.sogou\.com/docs/help/webmasters\.htm#07\)|sogou spider|Sogou web spider/3\.0\(\+http\://www\.sogou\.com/docs/help/
    webmasters\.htm#07\)|sohu agent|SSurf15a 11 |TSurf15a 11|Under the Rainbow 2\.2|User-Agent\: Mozilla/4\.0 \(compatible; MSIE 6\.0; Windows NT 5
    \.1\)|VadixBot|WebVulnCrawl\.unknown/1\.0 libwww-perl/5\.803|Wells Search II|WEP Search 00|EmailCollector|WebEMailExtrac|TrackBack/1\.02|sogou 
    music spider|(?:Mozilla/\d+\.\d+ )?Jorgee)"$
    Ignoreregex: 0 total
    Date template hits:
    Lines: 1 lines, 0 ignored, 1 matched, 0 missed
    [processed in 0.03 sec]
    In a quick visual comparison the only difference I see in this debian11 conf file is the line:
    badbots = Atomic_Email_Hunter/4\.0|atSpider/1\.0|autoemailspider|bwh3_user_agent|China Local Browse 2\.6|ContactBot/0\.2|ContentSmartz|DataCha0s/2\.0|DBrowse 1\.4b|DBrowse 1\.4d|Demo Bot DOT 16b|Demo Bot Z 16b|DSurf15a 01|DSurf15a 71|DSurf15a 81|DSurf15a VA|EBrowse 1\.4b|Educate Search VxB|EmailSiphon|EmailSpider|EmailWolf 1\.00|ESurf15a 15|ExtractorPro|Franklin Locator 1\.8|FSurf15a 01|Full Web Bot 0416B|Full Web Bot 0516B|Full Web Bot 2816B|Guestbook Auto Submitter|Industry Program 1\.0\.x|ISC Systems iRc Search 2\.1|IUPUI Research Bot v 1\.9a|LARBIN-EXPERIMENTAL \(efp@gmx\.net\)|LetsCrawl\.com/1\.0 \+http\://letscrawl\.com/|Lincoln State Web Browser|LMQueueBot/0\.2|LWP\:\:Simple/5\.803|Mac Finder 1\.0\.xx|MFC Foundation Class Library 4\.0|Microsoft URL Control - 6\.00\.8xxx|Missauga Locate 1\.0\.0|Missigua Locator 1\.9|Missouri College Browse|Mizzu Labs 2\.2|Mo College 1\.9|MVAClient|Mozilla/2\.0 \(compatible; NEWT ActiveX; Win32\)|Mozilla/3\.0 \(compatible; Indy Library\)|Mozilla/3\.0 \(compatible; scan4mail \(advanced version\) http\://www\.peterspages\.net/?scan4mail\)|Mozilla/4\.0 \(compatible; Advanced Email Extractor v2\.xx\)|Mozilla/4\.0 \(compatible; Iplexx Spider/1\.0 http\://www\.iplexx\.at\)|Mozilla/4\.0 \(compatible; MSIE 5\.0; Windows NT; DigExt; DTS Agent|Mozilla/4\.0 efp@gmx\.net|Mozilla/5\.0 \(Version\: xxxx Type\:xx\)|NameOfAgent \(CMS Spider\)|NASA Search 1\.0|Nsauditor/1\.x|PBrowse 1\.4b|PEval 1\.4b|Poirot|Port Huron Labs|Production Bot 0116B|Production Bot 2016B|Production Bot DOT 3016B|Program Shareware 1\.0\.2|PSurf15a 11|PSurf15a 51|PSurf15a VA|psycheclone|RSurf15a 41|RSurf15a 51|RSurf15a 81|searchbot admin@google\.com|ShablastBot 1\.0|snap\.com beta crawler v0|Snapbot/1\.0|Snapbot/1\.0 \(Snap Shots&#44; \+http\://www\.snap\.com\)|sogou develop spider|Sogou Orion spider/3\.0\(\+http\://www\.sogou\.com/docs/help/webmasters\.htm#07\)|sogou spider|Sogou web spider/3\.0\(\+http\://www\.sogou\.com/docs/help/webmasters\.htm#07\)|sohu agent|SSurf15a 11 |TSurf15a 11|Under the Rainbow 2\.2|User-Agent\: Mozilla/4\.0 \(compatible; MSIE 6\.0; Windows NT 5\.1\)|VadixBot|WebVulnCrawl\.unknown/1\.0 libwww-perl/5\.803|Wells Search II|WEP Search 00
    andresgt2000 likes this.
  3. andresgt2000

    andresgt2000 Member

    Thanks Jesse

    I am going to check the line and I am going to put the clean base for a test.

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