Fail2ban, Samba and ISPConfig

Discussion in 'Tips/Tricks/Mods' started by tomde, May 27, 2008.

  1. tomde

    tomde New Member

    I still can't seem to understand how to add other interfaces to fail2ban. Right now all I would like to add is samba and ISPConfig. I can't seem to get the procedure right, since when I try to add them nothing happens. What is failregex, do I need this to add something? I'm a bit new and this stuff right here doesn't make any sense to me. Also I noticed that fail2ban uses polling, now I see no effect on CPU usage, but what is gamin? Has anyone here used it? Just curious which one handles better. I would take interrupts over polling anytime.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What do you see in your logs when there are failed login attempts to Samba?
    I don't think you can block access to ISPConfig with fail2ban since login attempts to ISPConfig are not logged...

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