I'm observing following strange behavior on Centos6.5 with Fast-cgi (mod_fcgi): if the site is actively used at some point all it's fcgi processes get stalled. In server-status I see that the processes have status Working while their Idle counter is increasing. The connections to website in browser appear as stalled/loading (no timeout or other error). The processes get killed/respawned after 'IdleTimeout 300' and then new processes are also in the same state. This does not however affect other sites on the same server. Code: Process: .php-fcgi-starter (/var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/web53/.php-fcgi-starter) Pid Active Idle Accesses State 30823 4054 64 79 Working 20125 7490 65 128 Working 28781 4686 129 78 Working This can be reproduced with simple wget -r website - after a while wget will get stuck. The only way to recover from this state is to restart httpd. I have one site with mod_itk and doesn't seem to be affected, so it appears that this is the issue with mod_fcgi. Did anyone else see such behavior? Or may be this is the known issue? Any help would be much appreciated.
Anyone? This "bug" is so much frustrating and gives much trouble. Luckily we have not so much sites with lots of visitors, so the bug triggers not so often.