Fedora 8 no login display

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Ganther, Dec 7, 2007.

  1. Ganther

    Ganther New Member

    Ok at first I thought my issue may have been related to this with a black screen and a cursor and yes I have ISPConfig installed as this is a test server. everything was working until I reboot that is why I tied this post first.

    So I tried everything listed in that thread and linking threads but nothing seems to fix the issue.

    here is what is happending when I try to start the gui.

    in "terminal mode" I try "X" resulting in:

    Fatal server error:
    Server is already active for display 0
    If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock and start again.

    ... trying "startx" produces an identical message as above then a small pause then this message:

    Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keygiving up.
    xinit: Resource temporarily unavailable (errno 11): unable to connect to X server
    xinit: No such process (errno 3): Server error.

    Please keep in mind I am very new to linux and know the very basic commands so I really apperciate the help. I have been searching for a fix for couple hours with no luck. Thanks in advance..
  2. o.meyer

    o.meyer New Member Moderator

    Hi Ganther,

    please try the following:

    Boot the system and afterwards press Ctrl+Alt+F7 - this should switch to the running X-session.

    Best regards,

  3. Ganther

    Ganther New Member

    I will try it when I get home, It can't be that easy..
  4. Ganther

    Ganther New Member

    Just realized this post should be under the desktop operation. My bad.
  5. Ganther

    Ganther New Member

    Nope did not work black screen with a waiting mouse cursor

    Any other help would be great..
  6. Ganther

    Ganther New Member

    ok if I do a init 1 then startx the gui loads up

    If I do a init 5 then startx I am getting same error.

    xauth: creating new authority file /root/.serverauth.2823

    Fatal server error:
    Server is already active for display 0
    If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock
    and start again.

    Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keygiving up.
    xinit: Resource temporarily unavailable (errno 11): unable to connect to X server
    xinit: No such process (errno 3): Server error.

    I have deleted the .X0-lock file. any other suggestions any files you would like me to post that could be causing this issue.

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