Fedora 9 automatic logout

Discussion in 'Desktop Operation' started by hackitboy, Jun 25, 2008.

  1. hackitboy

    hackitboy New Member


    i have fedora 9 installed on my lappy. All is fine until i tweaked something after going thru the man pages of wireless. (man wireless). After rebooting, at the login page i enter the correct username n passwd and hit login. what happens is i get a black screen momentarily and i'm presented with the same login page again. but i'm able to login after i hit ctrl+alt+F1. am i automatically logged out?

    well i dont exactly know what changes i made. and i dont recall any other changes other than the above mentioned.

    a bit of googling and with a lil help from this forum, i wanted to edit /etc/shells. but i dont have any SENDMAIL line added.

    plz help...
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Are there any errors in your logs?

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