I have burned the 4 images; disc 1 should boot from CD isn't it? disc 1 is not booting; I can boot my PC from CD with other disc's so for sure is not a BIOS problem Any sugestions please, thank you
Yes, CD1 sholud boot. Have you compared the md5 sums of the downloaded CD images if they where downloaded without errors?
Fedora uses sha1 sums instead of md5 sums. You can find the sha1 sums of the iso images here: http://fedora.redhat.com/download/#download To find out about the sha1 sum of your downloaded iso image, run Code: sha1sum <isofilename>
I have checked the sha1sum for disc1, its fine I have checked the sha1sum for disc1, its fine sorry for so many questions thank you
If you're absolutely sure that the checksums are the same, then I'd burn the CD again, and if that still doesn't help, then I'd say that Fedora Core 4 has a problem with your hardware...
Check your bios setting to make sure you are booting from cd before any other media such as harddrive. Also, make sure you are placing fedora core 4 disk 1 in the master cd drive. Hope that helps. If that doesn't work if you can provide spec's of you system I can look into it more. who made your system - (you, dell, etc) model number - if not made by yourself Motherboard - who made it what model number cd drive - harddrive type - (ata, sata, SCSI) raid - none, 0, 5, 1, etc videocard - monitor -
fedora core 4 disc 1 not booting I have a fedora 2 install set, I can boot with disc 1 only with fedora 4 I cannot boot who made your system - (you, dell, etc) - a technical guy model number - if not made by yourself Motherboard - who made it what model number cd drive - harddrive type - (ata, sata, SCSI) raid - none, 0, 5, 1, etc videocard - monitor - I have a Celeron(R) CPU 1.7 MGH 1.69 GHz 224 MB RAM Toshiba CD-Rom XM-6602B and LITE-ON CD_RW sohr 5238s harddrive type SCSI RAID none system manufacturer AWARD_ model AWRDACPI X86-based PC x86 Familly 15 Model 1 Stepping 3 Genuintel 1693 MHz monitor - faltron ez t710BH Thank you so much
I am absolutly sure that check sum is ok; fedora core 2 disc 1 is booting but I cannot install because has errors
Did you try to burn the FC4 CD 1 again? If it still doesn't work, have you thought about using another distribution like Debian, for example?
what are the fedora core 2 errors? this could help solve the problem with core 4. Bios updating sometimes fixes problems like this. It is a long shot but worth a try. Did you run a memory check? It sounds as if you have a hardware conflict or memory errors. From what it sounds like I would bet money on memory errors. memtest86 is probably one of the best for this. i think it is included on the openSuse, fedora, and ubuntu disks. You can also download it online. Debian is really nice I am a personal fan of kbuntu myself. oopenSuse 10 is also very good. However, I have not tested in as a server just a desktop. http://www.opensuse.org/Welcome_to_openSUSE.org It use to not be free but it is now.
I have downloaded again fedora 4 disc1 and burned with Nero and Bur4Free too. same result Let's say I am getting Debian, how can I know that it will work for me? I understand that can be I have a memory problem, that will not bother Debian? Thank you so much
Download debian CD 1, burn the CD and test it. If you have a memory problem, DEBIAN cant solve it. But if its a problem with an incompatibility of the Fedora kernel options or boot loader, DEBIAN might help you.
Thank you for helping but: I checked my memory with memtest86, OK. I will get Debian discs in 2 days but; I read in install that X win is not in the scope of the guide. Please what does it mean, I will have problems to install X wind on my Linux? (Debian I mean) Thank you all again
This means that it is an ISP / Webserver tutorial and servers normally dont run an X Server. But you can install X on DEBIAN.
debian so the meaning would be that Debian can be installed as a server and not as a workstation? ( I am a big zero in system, sorry) Where from am I installing X server? Thank you
No, that means that all perfect setups that you can find on howtoforge are SERVER setups, not client setups with XServer. You can install an XServer on Debian as well. From the DEBIAN installer.
Debian not booting downloaded debian disc1, unziped it, burned, the disc is NOT booting So looks that I am in real trouble!!!!!!!!!!!