Fedora core 5 + ISPConfig

Discussion in 'General' started by GrBase, Aug 24, 2006.

  1. GrBase

    GrBase New Member

    I have install Fedora core 5 and ISCPConfig.
    Using ISPConfig I added a few users.
    All of them have a personal web 'space' at www.mydomain.com/~user

    Following the user's link you can see the default welcome page powered by ISPConfig.
    Some of the users want only to upload a few files and any visitor to their webpage be able to download them.
    If the index file is removed the visitor have no access to the user's folder.

    Is there a way to make selectively some user's webpage display the folder's content? (without any index file)

    Thanks in advance
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  3. GrBase

    GrBase New Member

    Dear Falko

    Thank you for your help.

    I added Indexes with ISPConfig:
    ISP Manager > ISP Site > Basis at Apache Directives


    I add the Directive you see at the attached image and the user's e.g. "username" web page at www.mycomain.com/~username/ shows the direcrory of the folder.

  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You could try
    Options +Indexes
    instead of
    Options Indexes
    because then the user directory inherits the settings from the parent directories and adds the capability to show a list of files in the directory. :) (Just a tip.)

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