Fedora Core 6 server keeps dropping off network

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by bugboy, Mar 13, 2007.

  1. bugboy

    bugboy New Member

    Hello my first post on this forum.

    I've sreached google for an answer and found nothing.

    My problem started a week ago when the speaker cable came loose inside my machine(*1) and kept shorting the power supply.

    Now this is my internal webserver that allows me to build sites and mess around. Its headless and i can ssh in or config via webmin.

    When i first set this up it was running great but since the cable came lose every so often the server would drop from the network. If i'm working on pages then it says up and works great but if i leave it for a while it just drops.

    I was wondering if you guys had any advice. I'm pretty new to all this so bare with me.

    *1 machine details

    900mhz pIII
    256 ram
    80gb hardrive
    250gb hardrive
    ATA raid controller pci card
    built in ethernet
    built in graphics(running headless)
  2. martinfst

    martinfst Member Moderator

    The power supply shortage may have damaged your motherboard. If the problem only happens now and then and is not reproducible with a specific sequence of actions there's not much you can do exept replace hardware. Could be memory (how about static electricity when you fixed the loose speaker cable)? Not much we can help you with, sorry:(
  3. bugboy

    bugboy New Member

    i've got some spare ram i'll try that.

    I did take out the pram battery as well at one point don't know if that could be a cause.
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  5. bugboy

    bugboy New Member

    Thanks i'll give that a whirl.

    I have swapped the ram around as well just incase.

    Say if the mobo is messed up. Could i just swap the hard drives and ATA pci card over to new mobo and wil that just work?
  6. martinfst

    martinfst Member Moderator

    If it's a similar mobo, yes. Don't know what happens if it's a different chipset. Could work, maybe not. Personally, when I'm going to use a new server/hardware, I let the installation procedure figure out what hardware I have and have it install the appropriate drivers.... You could try, depends on how important your current server/data is and if you need to keep it online as much as possible. Make a backup 1st and test your restore. ;)
  7. bugboy

    bugboy New Member

    I did it with ubuntu once and that worked. The only thing that messed up was the gui but this server has none of that.

    Cheers for the help.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2007
  8. bugboy

    bugboy New Member

    After replaceing the ram the problem has stopped. So faulty ram?
  9. martinfst

    martinfst Member Moderator

    Seems most likely, but only time can tell.
  10. bugboy

    bugboy New Member

    yep lets hope. I've backed everything up so i'll be ok.
  11. mackenga

    mackenga New Member

    Might just be a hopeless optimist but...

    Could it be the shorting is a red herring? I'm thinking, if it works as long as it's actively used and drops off when idle, could it be your power management suspending it? I wouldn't normally expect this to cause it to drop all the way off the network but if it's hibernating rather than just turning off the video it could do (my laptop does, which is pretty irritating).
  12. bugboy

    bugboy New Member

    so far so good. I've left it fo ages an it hasn't dropped me off at all yet.

    How do i check the power management via comand line?
  13. mackenga

    mackenga New Member

    Hmm, good question. I could be wrong but I think it could have something to do with the apm(1) command; see the man-page for details. I tried apm -M (Monitor according to the manpage) on one of my boxes and it said there was no APM support in my kernel, though, which I think is unlikely to be because of any weirdness about this machine (it's pretty standard with a stock kernel) and the power management facility of modern motherboards is known as ACPI I believe so maybe APM is a bit historical these days.

    Not sure in other words. Anyone else know?
  14. bugboy

    bugboy New Member

    cheers i'll take a look.
  15. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Yes, that's true.

    You can check the kernel's config file in /boot to find out if ACPI is enabled.

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