Hi All, I've been trying to setup fetchmail to grab my gmail.com e-mails. I don't have access to my server from 'work' but it doesn't seem to be working. My gmail.com has IMAP configured, but the information in the /etc/getmail/*.conf file looks weird -- double ports on the login (myemail.gmail.com:129:943) for example. Has anyone configured this via the fetchmail panel? Thanks, Danté
What exactly did you enter into the server field in the fetchmail form? The server name is just something like "server.com". It looks like you entered something like myemail.gmail.com:129 instead of just myemail.gmail.com.
Hi, Guess I should have put this info into the original question On Fetchmail Panel: Code: Type: Tried both Pop and Imap Pop3/Imap Server: gmail.com Username: dantepasquale Password: *********** Delete emails after retrieval: no Destination: [email protected] Active: Yes Here's the /etc/getmail file: Code: [options] # message_log = /var/log/getmail.log message_log_syslog = 1 delete = 0 [retriever] type = SimplePOP3Retriever server = gmail.com username = dantepasquale password = *********** [destination] type = MDA_external path = /usr/sbin/sendmail arguments = ("-i", "-bm", "[email protected]") maybe this just isn't correct for gmail