File error_log.1 continuously increasing

Discussion in 'Technical' started by JFMMão de Ferro, Jan 25, 2013.

  1. JFMMão de Ferro

    JFMMão de Ferro New Member


    I have a sudden problem in File / var/log/cups/error_log.1 fill continuously has a size of 3.4 Gib, even only with the machine switched on and do nothing.

    I S. O. 12:04 Lts, the only thing I have done differently, and as always have difficulties, are connection attempts between machines with Ubuntu Linux on the same network and another trying to see the graphical environment.

    These problems always happen to me because those attempts
    Thank you in some instruction that I can pass

  2. JFMMão de Ferro

    JFMMão de Ferro New Member

    Solve following instructions: ... 51869.html ... #msg568205


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