I'm about to setup a file server for a small company. The file server will be located at the office, and connected to the local network (with internet access on it) The people at the office (3 work stations) need to have access to the server to backup and store files/documents on. Ideally it would also be great if they can access the files/documents from outside the office. The 3 work stations are all running Windows XP. I would like to install a Linux OS on the "file" server. I've had a look at the Simple Home File Server (Based On Ubuntu) howto, but I'm not sure if this is what I need as I also need the option to access the files from outside the LAN. Anyone here who might have some info on how to do this? Thank you.
I am interested in working with VPN and found a couple of interesting solutions. I have not tried any yet , but here are the links. http://sourceforge.net/projects/sbrdg/ http://poptop.sourceforge.net/dox/ http://www.thebakershome.net/?q=node/56 I am going to attempt to use one of these with http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu-gutsy-samba-standalone-server-with-tdbsam-backend. I'm leaning more towards OpenVPN
I must have missed that one! It's up and running great Even the VPN part is working nice. Thank you for the hint