file sharing with samba

Discussion in 'Technical' started by CD_PlaYeR, May 9, 2012.

  1. CD_PlaYeR

    CD_PlaYeR New Member

    so far samba is working ok, my problem is that i am using a windows application(acomba). i was using this application on windows on 2 computer the first had the application and the database and the 2nd had only the application, using the application on the 2nd computer i was asked to open the database that i was doing through a windows network located on computer 1. using samba on debian i can't open the public folder on computer 1 with the application, the folder dosen't show in the tree view and even if i type the path, it dosen't see it.
    sorry for the wall of text i tried to be as clear as possible, tell me if it is still not clear.
  2. CD_PlaYeR

    CD_PlaYeR New Member

    got it working

    nvm got it working if any of you wants to do the same and gets through a problem tell me so in this thread i might be able to help you

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