File Uploading...

Discussion in 'General' started by latcarf, Sep 18, 2006.

  1. latcarf

    latcarf New Member

    in ISPConfig via proftp. Am I doing something wrong or can you only upload 1 file at a time!?
  2. fobicodam

    fobicodam New Member

    It hasnt a lot of features... if you find how to download a file from there let me know :p
  3. latcarf

    latcarf New Member

    ...features, I was think thinking that. Download through ISPConfig? never thought about downloading but I thought about using a ftp client to upload multiple files or even directories... seems that is a simple solution especially for "new" servers. I assume you could configure proftpd.conf to access your directories, including ISPConfig directories. That was going to be my next question anyway! :D

    How about it Till, can we? using this configuration? virtual config and using the same user/password assigned in ISPConfig for email and ftp?
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The ISPConfig WebFTP is not meant to be a full replacement for a normal FTP client.
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    What is you exact problem with the FTP configuration? ISPConfig configures proftpd automatically, just use a ftp client of your choice to access the website.
  6. fobicodam

    fobicodam New Member

    No, but... download a file is very usefull :eek:) it doesnt need to be a queued download.. file by file if you want.. but it will be usefull :rolleyes:
  7. latcarf

    latcarf New Member

    From my very limited experience with ISPConfig I can only upload 1 file at a time and it will not upload a directory of files with the FTP config. Is this correct or am I missing something?

    If so can proftp be configured to allow access to the ISPConfig web and ftp directories without messing up ISPConfigs proftp config file?

    multiple file uploads would be a good feature...
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Yesterday I uploaded 9000 files and directories at once to my server. Just use a normal FTP client like WS-FTP or SmartFTP, connect with the username and password of the administrator user of the web and upload the files.

    ProFTPD is always configured this way if you use ISPConfig.
  9. latcarf

    latcarf New Member

    Yes, I was able to use gftp locally yesterday but only as anonymous... I have 2 sites set up web14_ and web_15. I noted the only site in proftpd_ispconfig.conf was web15_ even though I gave both sites ftp access and supplied a different -u and -p for each in the appropriate tab. Do you know of a paticular reason web14_ wouldn't configure automatically?

    I have some ?'s about proftp config but I'll start a different thread where it is more applicable. :)

  10. fobicodam

    fobicodam New Member

    I believe the problem here is youve modified the proftp config file.. did you save the original config after installing ispc ?
  11. latcarf

    latcarf New Member

    Yes, I did modify it as the Perfect Set Up SuSe 10.1 indicated but no other mods. I am new to proftp with the exception of anonymous use and I want to set it up for users and user directories so I am going to start a separate thread in the Linux section of the forum.

    I just started the server I have been setting up with ISPConfig and opened it up to the outside world :eek: so I am busy checking this and that to make sure everything is in working order.
  12. fobicodam

    fobicodam New Member

    Then it should be working fine. Try to set an administrator user and login using some ftp client.

    Other users will get into thei own users folders too.

    FTP is the easier service to make work, you will have a hard time trying to get a very functional mail server...
  13. latcarf

    latcarf New Member

    aakkk... don't remind me! right now my domains are resting at easyDNS with DNS, email forwarding, etc. I don't really plan on doing hosting as a business and only have 2 domains to worry about.

    More than anything I am on a learning adventure. Howtoforge forum has been helpful in the past with FC3, FC4, now SuSe 10 but I had been avoiding the ISPConfig part because I only had the 2 domains but now that I have tried it I can see where it is helpful, especially if you have a lot of domains you want to manage.

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