Forum for ISPconfig tips/tricks/mods ?

Discussion in 'Forum Suggestions' started by linuxfast, Sep 16, 2005.

  1. linuxfast

    linuxfast New Member

    It would be useful if there was a subforum to post tips/tricks/mods/experiences/workaround etc
    There's been quite a number of times whereby I have solved a few problems with the way ISPConfig works for me when I have thought that the information may be useful to others.
    As the forums stand, they appear to be for question asking primarily.
    Anyone agree with this ?
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Good idea! :) I've just created a Tips/Tricks/Mods forum for ISPConfig - so everyone's invited to share tips and tricks! :) :)
  3. linuxfast

    linuxfast New Member

    Thats great. Just got to remember them all now !
    Time to rebuild again lol
  4. domino

    domino New Member

    Good idea! Now I canlearn from your gurus :cool:

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