Forward emails from real mailbox to multiple real mailbox

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by johjoh2k, Jul 16, 2012.

  1. johjoh2k

    johjoh2k New Member

    Hello, I need to forward the received emails from a real mailbox to others real mailbox.
    Without deleting them on the real mailbox, how I can configure the forwarders (are they separated by "space", "," or ";"?) and the retain of the emails?

    Thank you
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  3. johjoh2k

    johjoh2k New Member

    Thank you Falko!
    In my case, forward must be edited by user or reseller in ISPconfig.
    I've solved more clean with the use of "cc "[email protected]" in custom filter rule.

  4. johjoh2k

    johjoh2k New Member

    Ehm, another problem.
    Why the module "Custom Rules" under a "Mailbox" doens't appair to user and reseller?

    How can I enable it to user and reseller?

    Thank you

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