Free BSD ??

Discussion in 'General' started by mspIggy, Jul 14, 2008.

  1. mspIggy

    mspIggy New Member

    having big problems with ubuntu and software raid1 (fails with removed drive) and i am ready to give up on ubuntu - i have spend days trying to get this raid problem to work - no go

    now time possibly, for new OS - down the line we will need an OS like FreeBSD on several VMs (virutal machines) on separate servers that are load balanced...

    i have searched the forum quite a bit...

    not sure -- i really like this app - i am considering using freeBSD, will this work with freeBSD?

    how do i install this with freeBSD many thanks
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2008
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    ISPConfig does not support FreeBSD. But did you try Debian instead of Ubuntu. I know many poeple including me and Falko that run debian servers successfully and reliable for many years. And this includes raid setups of course.
  3. mspIggy

    mspIggy New Member

    ok - time to look at debian --

    is there an easier way to load debian that this 23 cd or 3 dvd? - i cannot imagine loading all of this onto my server... what would i need? a 23 gb partiton for the OS?
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You need just the first CD and install the remaining files over the network. Have a look at the perfect setup guide for debian, its all explained there in detail.

    Nobody loads all this on a server ;) Debian has many packages, this does not mean that you install them all. A typical debian installation is much smaller the a redhat, SuSE or even Ubuntu installation. If you have a minimal setup, ist aroun 350 - 500 MB
  5. mspIggy

    mspIggy New Member

    ok -- i have found the smal file iso to use to install off www fof debian - i will try


    i will follow this, adding ISPConfig:

    what changes if any do i need to make to this install instruction set for the amd64 install as this was written for 32 bit?

    thank you very much
  6. mspIggy

    mspIggy New Member

    how much room should i allow in my raid / partition for the system files?

    many thanks
  7. mspIggy

    mspIggy New Member

    many thanks -- i will use the perfect server setup - all of it including the ISPConfig install as we will host websites...

    i am sure i need more than 500 mb then..

    what do U suggest for partition size?

    than you
    headed down to data center not to give this a whirl!
  8. mspIggy

    mspIggy New Member

    install seemed to be working -

    using the debian online install method...

    when get to select kernal i pick the lower one...

    it does not install... tells me to check log file or virtual console 4

    how do i do this?

    why will my install not continue?
  9. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What's the exact error message?
    Are there any errors in the logs (in /var/log/)?
  10. mspIggy

    mspIggy New Member

    how do i get to this log when install fails and there is no way to boot server?

    is there some combination of keys to push to get a console screen to view?

    thank you :)
  11. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Are you sitting in front of that system or is it a remote system?
  12. mspIggy

    mspIggy New Member

    i am in front of it now - it is housed at a data center very close to me - also have ssh when it works :)
  13. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

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