French Translation Issue

Discussion in 'Developers' Forum' started by kinai, Apr 3, 2010.

  1. kinai

    kinai Member


    I'm trying to update French Translation using Language Editor of ISPConfig

    The ' caracter is not conserved after saving modification.

    For example :

    The user -> L'utilisateur.

    Currently, ' is deleted and translation is like

    The user -> Lutilisateur ... not good for french user ;)

    If I replace ' ' by " " in translation file, it's working ...

    I can update manually update fr file, but if I modify translation from the web interface, " " are replaced by ' '

    Could you fix this issue.
  2. mccharlet

    mccharlet Member HowtoForge Supporter


    Va faire u tour sur le forum de, tu trouveras les fichiers traduits
  3. kinai

    kinai Member

    Hi Cedric,

    I'm searching on but not found a translation file for fr. I found information regarding fr language in was integrate in IPSconfig, but in this translation, it exist a lot of syntaxe error or not translated field.

    I found only a fr pack for

    I'm French, so I could help for translation (I already do It for RoundCube plugin for ISPCOnfig).

    In addition, for ISPConfig Devellopper, It's exist a problem for translation editor in ISPConfig.
    Strings must be set with " " and not with ' '.

    Last edited: Apr 5, 2010
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  5. kinai

    kinai Member

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