Hallo to everyone, this my first attempt to install the famous dashboard... I tried several times to setup sever correctly (ubuntu0.18.04.1) and to install ispconfig3.1 either from Till's tutorial, but also step by step installing packages, and i always get error at logging in ISPConfig. I use mysql and on dbispconfig database i get the message : ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'dbispconfig.sys_user' doesn't exist when i try to check the system's password. IspConfig installation completes with no errors. I tried several things before posting. Any help will be more than appreciated. Best.
Does that mean you got the virtual machine image linked to at end of tutorial, and get the same error with that? When following the Tutorial, did you pay attention to the required starting condition, that it must be a clean minimal Ubuntu installation with nothing already installed or configured?
Taleman thank you for your answer. The installation of the VM is an Ubuntu 18.04 from the scratch. I do the installation that goes like charm, then i upgrade all updatable packages, then i started Tills tutorial. The only difference with the tutorial is that i use mysql instead of MariaDB. As far for ''ready'' VM at the end of tutorial, i have no option on uploading it on my hosting service, ecause it's not a dedicated server it's just VPS.
Which MySQL version. If you used e.g. MySQL 8, then the system will not work and you'll have to reinstall it using MariaDB. MySQL 5.7 should work though.
Ok. Then try to reset the ispconfig password like this: https://www.faqforge.com/linux/cont...et-the-administrator-password-in-ispconfig-3/
Ok, Till i tried that yesterday before posting. it returns this error : ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'dbispconfig.sys_user' doesn't exist I read the tables of the dbispconfig and there is no table with this name Best.
Then your ispconfig system is not fully installed. You have to uninstall and reinstall it using uninstall.php which is in the install folder of the ispconfig.tar.gz and then reinstall it. If you still get the same error afterwards, then replace Mysql 5.7 with MariaDB. We test the system only against mariaDB, so it might be that your MySQL version is not fully compatible with ISPConfig.
Ok, then i have no alternative i guess. Do you think i can use both installations in parallel (mysql and mariaDb) or i have to completelly remove mysql? Thank you.
Hello friends, I was able to login just now to ispConfig successfully through https. I guess the problem that i was facing had to do with the fact that i wasn't following mr Till's tutorial ''exactly'' installing my preferred settings and also mysql instead of mariaDB. I have to admit that Till's tutorial is flawless and if somebody follow it with the demanding attention will reach to the end with no problem at all. Once again i want to thank you for your answers. Best, Yiannis.