fsck.ext3: no such file or directory while trying to open /dev/sda4 dev/sda4 fsck failed ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- i went through the ubuntu perfect setup tutorial and i think part of the problem might be in /etc/fstab or maybe my dns. server1.example.com isn't being resolved nor does it help that i dont' have or can get a connection with my static ip. i've check /etc/networking/interfaces ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Please do this: Code: apt-get install apt-file apt-file update apt-file search fsck.ext3 What's the output of the last command?
#command not found. i have no static ip connection right now either so it wouldn't update anyways, but would it give me that response back if the command was correct? i ask b/c i've not seen apt-file before.
You need an internet connection because otherwise Code: apt-get install apt-file fails which means apt-file is not available on your system.
so do you think that the ext3 partition was not set. is that the reason for apt-get install apt-file. that's what i'm starting to think anyways. how can the os install without that though. i bet that's it now. thanks.
No, you're misunderstanding me. It has nothing to do with any filesystems your system might use. Your internet connection doesn't seem to work, that's why the installation of the apt-file package failed.