I have been trying to connect to my webserver via ftp and to no avail. I can use the web-ftp, and while working on the actual webserver, I can ftp localhost, and my username and pass work fine, but when trying to ftp from outside, or even on the same network, i get error 530......login incorrect. Any suggestions would be appreciated as I am stuck....thanks
If you are using FC4, please have a look at this thread: http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=196
Thanks so much.....you're the man Falko....ftp works fine after creating /etc/pam.d/ftp like you described in the post you sent me. thanks again.
sorry about that till....till is the man!!! lol..... I just connected and tried to upload some new files for my site.....and I get ftp error 550 when trying to overwrite files. any idea how to overcome that? I'm sure it has to do with permissions...just dont know what needs to be changed. thanks for any help.
You tried to upload the files into the "web" directory and not to the root directory of the ftp login? which are the permissions and owner of the web directory, you can check this with the ls -l command in the web root directory.
looks like the permissions for all of those files are for "root" and not "web1_webmaster". How do I fix that?
i figured it out. initially when I couldn't get the ftp to work, i just physically placed the website files in the web1/web folder while I was logged into the webserver as root. I deleted the files while logged in as root, then reuploaded the files via ftp as web1_wemaster....the admin 4 my site.... and now the permissions for all the files belong to web1_webmaster. thanks again for your help till.....