FTP show hidden files

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by _X_, Nov 2, 2008.

  1. _X_

    _X_ New Member

    Is there a possibility to add support for proftpd and vsftpd option to enable display of hidden files (that start with . = dot) in ISPConfig? Since ISPConfig adds its config to default configuration of those daemons.

    To do this we need to add, for proftd, in /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf:
    ListOptions "-a"

    but it can be also added into /etc/proftpd_ispconfig.conf for each virtual host.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You'd have to do this manually in proftpd.conf.
  3. madmucho

    madmucho Member HowtoForge Supporter

    i searching for ListOption which show users hidden .ht^ files in web space.
    Have someone something simmiliar in proftpd? -la or -a is too much, users can change them, i dont want this.
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Users can change your ProFTPd configuration? :eek:
  5. madmucho

    madmucho Member HowtoForge Supporter

    No proftpd config no, but other hidden system files, procmail recepies and others. i want them show ony ht*.* files which is about website.
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You can chroot the FTP users to just the web site directory (there shouldn't be any procmail recipes).

    DefaultRoot ~/web
    in proftpd.conf
  7. madmucho

    madmucho Member HowtoForge Supporter

    That is solution, but some users include application files outside from /web folder, for example Zend Framework applications /library /application.
  8. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

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