FTP to Unzip permissions problem?

Discussion in 'General' started by Toucan, Feb 19, 2010.

  1. Toucan

    Toucan Member

    I'm running ISPconfig3 on lenny as per perfect server...

    I'm trying to install joomla - normally I do this succesfully by using filezilla to ftp the unzipped files to my web root.

    However, I'm trying to do this through a remote shell and avoiding bandwidth problems.

    I've been using the shell to ftp the zipped joomla packaged across using the root account.

    I then unzip it into it's own folder.

    The problem comes when I try to access it through a web browser i get permission errors.

    I'm guessing this is because the file was unzipped using the root account and as joomla needs to make some write changes, it probably doesnt have permission.

    Should I try to ftp and unzip using another account? Or, should i just try changing permissions somehow for the system to write to those folders?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Chou have to change the owner of the files and folders in the web directory to the user and group of this website. (use the chown command on the shell).

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