Hello, I had to setup a shell user for a developper to run a php command. By default it's not possible to run php command in jailkit so i didn't put one. Now operation is finished but even after removal of shell user the ftp user still have access to everything. How do i need to do fix this? Is it normal? Regards
This is not normal. Please post the line of the matching webXX user of that site from /etc/passwd file.
I have done usermod -s /bin/false web56 It's look ok, i still see /usr /home /etc /var etc but it's empty, i have restarted pure-ftpd-mysql but i still see those folders is it normal? Is it possible to make them disappear as it was before ? Thanks for reply
Ahh, ok. Now I know what the issue is or in other words, there is no issue at all. The folders that you see are part of the website, it's the jail. You don't see any system folders and you don't have access to the whole system as you thought, so FTP is and was working as it should be. The jail stays there even if you remove the last jailed user, that's intended to ensure that your site will not break.