Hello everyone, I'm triying to practice manual backups and i want to get/download the vmail folder and Ispconfig database si i can manually restore theme in a fresh new Ispconfig in another VM. I also want to store those files in physical media wich i will keep with me. Since i'm preparing for emergencies i don't want to use any web interface but want to use FTP. I understand pureftpd has the virtual users system and i tried to create a new user with access to the whole disk but didn't work. I even get an error wich i'm not sure jet where it comes because i have my systems inside Azure Ubuntu VM's. The ftp service stops working for a whilt (10 to 15 minutes) with error "connection timed out", then starts working fine for itself. My questions is, how do i create an ftp user with access to the whole disk so i can manually download files and folders and don't break Ispconfig/PureFTPD in the attempt. Thanks very much.
Abandon FTP and either use SFTP (uses ssh server) with appropriate permissions (eg. ssh as 'vmail' user), or if you want other alternatives, look at rsync over ssh (eg. ssh as non-root user using rsa key authentication, then have rsync use sudo to run as root or as vmail on the server).
Also for your overall backup solution, take a look at dirvish. From what I remember of your other posts, it might be a good fit. (eg. setup a remote backup machine which runs dirvish to pull down your mail from the server and keeps multiple backups)
I've recieved a lot (really a lot) of information in my two posts. I should have said that i am not an advanced user so many of the concepts or solutions are totally new to me. I admit that is overwhelming at first but i now have a lot to study and new things to learn just like i did with Ispconfig wich i discovered at work because a server administrator quitted working and i had to take care of the Ispconfig plattaform. I am reading about Dirvish now and it look perfect, i hope i can develop a litle, simple jet robust solution for my company so one day maby i could have a webhosting with 100 or 200 clients as an alternative job because in my work ecosystem there are a lot of companies wich need just a simple email solution and maby a simple, presentation, website. That is the market i'm pointing to. Thanks very much i hope with the time i can help others in this site.
A question came to me. I wonder if you can help. How about a mirror in a physical machine (i have one) a full mirror wich can work transparently if the main server fails. I've seen many tutorials, in debian (is similar to ubuntu? I use ubuntu) what would be the best choice, i saw rsync, gluster and a verry complete tutorial on debian, a cluster with db, email, websites. Thans very much.