FTP Virtual User Error 530 Login Failure

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by maileh, Sep 3, 2014.

  1. maileh

    maileh Member

    After Migrating ISPCONFIG to another server, trying to recover all the data and sites, few things still problem.
    1. If i add a ftp user on the ispconfig control panel, i checked dpispconfig database on web server the user is there. But when try to login through ftp using that user then it result with error. But if i add that same user to the shell user then i can ftp using that username. I looked around and find an explanation that my virtual user pure-ftp authentication is break but i don't know where to go from here ... please can someone help me with that.

    2. Also after copying /etc/apache2/sites-enable/ from the old server , only those sites that were exist there is display with no problem,. If i create new site on the new server, it is create on /var/www but when view it is not display properly, the directory is list instead of displaying the website. Can someone help here , i really want to recover my server to the original state that was before.

  2. srijan

    srijan New Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Are you sure that you used the correct (full) ftp username? A ftp username consists of a prefix and the part that you entered as user, so when you login with a ftp client the full username incl. prefix has to be used.

    You can see the full username e.g. in the list of ftp users in ispconfig in the username column.

    Please check that your backup was done correctly, I prefer to use script as mentioned in this thread for backup/restore.
  3. maileh

    maileh Member

    ftp error

    Thanks srijan for the reply, actually i did not use that thread to do my backup and restore .... i'll go through it and see if i missed something ...
    for the ftp user i do not use the prefix as i remove it from the panel setting ....

    how about the mysql crypt setting on the pure-ftpd .... does the hash on the ftp_user table on dpispconfig database shlould exactly ????
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Dont touch any pure-ftpd config file settings, they are correct by default.

    This means that your pure-ftpd is not configured corectly for mysql or that you missed a step in the perfect server guides during installation so that not all required packages are there. pure-ftd and all other services are configured by the ispconfig installer during initial install of the server. so it seems as if ispconfig was not installed on this system at all, maybe you copied it over from another server or something similar but this cant work as this means the whole system is unconfigured.

    Download ispconfig again, unpack it, run the update.ph in the install folder and choose to reconfigure services.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2014
  5. maileh

    maileh Member

    ftp error

    i did install IPSCONFIG 3 on the new server , and i did copy the /usr/local/ispconfig from the old server, does that mean i have to remove that ispconfig i copied for the old server and restore the new one, and resync the data websites and stuff from the panel then should be good to go ???

  6. maileh

    maileh Member

    ftp error after migration

    I have run the ispconfig update.php but still the same.

    Another issue is when i enable ssl for a websites on the new server, and try to access it, it will always display the virtual host that is on top of the default-ssl file ... any word on this as well is very much appreciate :(

    In addition to ftp issue here are error from apache2 error.log

    Negotiation: discovered file(s) matching request: /var/www/html/index.html (None could be negotiated)
    client denied by server configuration: /var/www/
  7. maileh

    maileh Member

    ftp error after migration

    Now my dbispconfig database on my web server is no longer update from the panel dbispconfig by ispconfig please help ... this is going from one to another .. please help
  8. maileh

    maileh Member

    ftp error after migration

    I have reply to till below can you help as my dbispconfig database on my web server no longer update by ispconfig from the control panel database :(
  9. maileh

    maileh Member

    ftp error after migration


    Should Master ISPCONFIG (Control Panel) must be the same version with all cluster server ISPCONFIG ?
    If so then i think this is the cause for all my issues . If not then i will search more ...

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