is not spam !!!!

Discussion in 'General' started by gabrix, Jun 22, 2008.

  1. gabrix

    gabrix New Member

    Well , i haven't found a solution to this , yet . I have some ideas and i wouldn't mind an advice from someone who knows more than i do .Mine is a domain , blacklisted because used by spammers . It's more than 1 year and a half i relay my smtp traffic through my account at .I don't like my domain mails going out as sickuser at and above all i don't want gmail to know my emails traffic . There must be a way to get out from the spam blacklist and i have found this site and i have sticked their instructions on my home site here
    is called "How to whitelist gabrix in your spam filter" .... i invite evrybody to follow the instructions in there , as you willl see i did all i could do . In the meantime i'm still not able to have mail delivered .... and maybe , here i wanted an advice from someone , i have a solution .... Sign all my outgoing mail with an hash token . What is an hash token ? read here ... What do you think ???
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I dont think that this will work. You should consider to register your won domain name at e.g. instead of using one of the available free sub domains.
  3. Ben

    Ben Active Member Moderator

    looks like your ip is a dialup host, when looking at the current reverse lookup:

    So it's not about to wonder, that mails from a "server" with a dynamic IP from a provider's dialup range is blacklisted.

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