Hi everyone! I'm working for the first time with DNS and BIND. I'm planning to use one of our Mac G5 Xserve servers running Mac OS X 10.4 to set up a bastion host. I've gotten the gateway working, but I'm having trouble with BIND. Yes, the server runs and every site I visit (using another PC) gets to where I want to go, but I have two problems: 1. I can't access some servers on the local network because their names don't seem to get resolved. 2. From the bastion host, I cannot access websites by typing http://www.yahoo.com, but I can visit that site by typing On my other computer though, I can reach it by typing www.yahoo.com. Is this normal? I mean, I can access sites through my other computer, but not my gateway? Thanks in advance!
What is the ouput if you execture "dig www.yahoo.com" on the bastion host's shell? How about the resolv.conf of the bastion host?
Hi, Thanks for the quick reply. Here's the output of 'dig www.yahoo.com' ==================== ; <<>> DiG 9.2.2 <<>> www.yahoo.com ;; global options: printcmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 13152 ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 8, ADDITIONAL: 4 ;; QUESTION SECTION: ;www.yahoo.com. IN A ;; ANSWER SECTION: www.yahoo.com. 145 IN CNAME www.yahoo-ht3.akadns.net. www.yahoo-ht3.akadns.net. 60 IN A ;; AUTHORITY SECTION: akadns.net. 172390 IN NS asia9.akadns.net. akadns.net. 172390 IN NS za.akadns.org. akadns.net. 172390 IN NS zb.akadns.org. akadns.net. 172390 IN NS zc.akadns.org. akadns.net. 172390 IN NS zd.akadns.org. akadns.net. 172390 IN NS eur1.akadns.net. akadns.net. 172390 IN NS usw1.akadns.net. akadns.net. 172390 IN NS usw2.akadns.net. ;; ADDITIONAL SECTION: za.akadns.org. 89595 IN A zb.akadns.org. 89595 IN A zc.akadns.org. 89595 IN A zd.akadns.org. 89595 IN A ;; Query time: 350 msec ;; SERVER: ;; WHEN: Fri Jun 15 07:53:01 2007 ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 304 ======================= As regards to resolv.conf, it doesn't seem to contain anything. It's located in /etc/resolv.conf, but the file is blank. There's an arrow there (a symbolic link perhaps?) that points to /var/run/resolv.conf, but that file in /var/run does not exist.
But as you can see in the last outputblock of dig, it uses your local host to resolve this name, that's working. So the question is, why your browser does not get resolved www.yahoo.com or similar... And regarding 1.) do you have any special names that can not resolved anywhere in you LAN? For this DNS-Names you could try dig with the switch +trace to see what your resolver is doing..
I think I got it working. I changed my subnet value, which used to be to After that, I could resolve all domains in my local network as well as view webpages from the bastion host by just typing their name. I don't know if this is a proper procedure, because I do think the new subnet value is odd. (I usually see stuff like or similar values) Thanks again!