Get DNS zone from admin

Discussion in 'Developers' Forum' started by laptop_user, Oct 18, 2011.

  1. laptop_user

    laptop_user Member


    How can I retrieve DNS zone from admin? Using dns_zone_get and dns_zone_get_by_user function give me the same permission error:

    permission_deniedYou do not have the permissions to access this function. SOAP Error: You do not have the permissions to access this function.

    Also in dns_zone_get help file - remoting_client/API-docs/dns_zone_get.html
    Input Variables:
    $session_id, $primary_id

    but in the example php file - dns_zone_get.php
    $id = 1;
    	$dns_record = $client->dns_zone_get($session_id, $id);
    I change $id to $primary_id but I'm not sure what admin value should I put there?

    Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Which ispconfig version do you use?

    The error abvove means that the function that you try to use is not enabled for the remote user that you used to access the server.

    The sample function is correct. By changing the variable, you made the function fail s $primary_id is not set in the example function. The name of a variable does not matter, what matter is onle the value inside the variable, and this value is set to 1 in the example function and has to be set to the primary ID value of the record that you want to retrieve
  3. laptop_user

    laptop_user Member

    I turns out I don't activate the DNS zone function for this remote user. This permission problem is solved. I now have other problem. How to get all DNS zone in my database?

    Using dns_zone_get_by_user.php for the client it works. All domain under client is shown. but not for the admin. I put in there:

    	//* Set the function parameters.
    	$client_id = 0;
    	$server_id = 1;
    Nothing is echo out. Actually this admin don't add any DNS zone so I think no zone will be shown. Is that why? Is there anyway I could output all zones like just when admin login to ISPC and click DNS >> Zones he will see all his client zones?
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The admin is not a client, so the function will not return anything when you query zones by client.

    There is no function to get all zones from all clients in the api yet, as you can see in the api docs. If you like to have such a function in future releases, then make a feature request in the bugtracker.

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