For a summer project I've turned my old beloved desktop into a server for my parents and my friends. A friend of mine was helping me set the server up but then we ran into the end of his knowledge, so he sent me to you. I have Apache running on my own private NAT, and I need it to be viewable from the outside. I'm running Fedora Core 2 and am behind a Linksys WRT54G router.
So you just forward port 80 and 443 (maybe ssh as well for outside administration) to the local IP of your linuxbox... that's all, except you have local firewall running...
Looks like you will need to set the port forwarding. Have a look here for your WRT54G
what is "a T" ? what exactly happens if you try to connect to port 80 at you official IP? Can you see any dropped packets in the router's log? Have you activated IPTables and did not accept packets to prot 80 form anywhere?
Just did, he can't. EDIT: My ISP is Frontiernet (, does anyone know if they block any ports? I can't seem to find any information.
When he is pinging your domain (ping domain.tld or ping www.domain.tld) does he get a reply and if so, with the correct server IP?
But the correct server IP? (small note: It would make things easier for us if you post the domain name)
Okay.. Well it will not work if you have not setup your domain! What does your friend see when he enters http://your-wan-ip ? Your wan IP is the one seen at
You probably mixed up something in router.. If he can't get to you our IP or ping you and you can access it locally its probably routers fault.. You did enter the correct IP's? Double check your router settings just to be sure..