Getting Started Guide!

Discussion in 'General' started by Ohem, May 14, 2007.

  1. Ohem

    Ohem New Member

    It felt right about posting it here than "Request feature" forum.

    The manual for ISPConfig is nice, but a "Getting Started" guide/tutorial would be even better. Reason for this is, when logged in as admin i feel kinda lost. Set up a site, yeah i would like to do that but adding admin users and configure other settings such as security (etc etc..) is for me, and possibly others too, more important. So here's some sueggestions:

    Where to start/What to start with
    Adding users/admin(s)
    Recommended settings
    Easy and fast work-around solutions
    "Theming" (?)

    The list may go on, but some examples.
  2. edge

    edge Active Member Moderator

    Did you have a look at the online User manuals?

    Lot's of your questions are answered in there
  3. Ohem

    Ohem New Member

    Yep, the manuals was the first thing i began to read. But the manuals "only" told me what i and others can do with their privilegies. Not telling on how i e.g. add new admins, configure recommended settings, add new groups etc etc.

    The manuals only tells small amount what's possible to do with ISPConfig not how to get familiar with the system without spending a long time.

    (...somehow i made it sound like i was being lazy)
    Last edited: May 14, 2007
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You must create a web site first before you can create users. After you've created a web site, you can create users (incl. the admin user of that web site) and email addresses on the User & Email tab.

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