GoAccess page 404 after installation ISPConfig 3.2

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by martinhe, Jan 18, 2022.

  1. martinhe

    martinhe Member

    Hello, i found something like cron_debug, so I tried it, here is the result:

    [root@server httpd]# php /usr/local/ispconfig/server/cron_debug.php --cronjob=150-goaccess.inc.php
    18.01.2022-09:24 - ERROR - Stats couldn't be generated. The GoAccess binary wasn't compiled with B+Tree support. Please recompile/reinstall GoAccess with B+Tree support, or install GoAccess version >= 1.4! (recommended)
    finished cron debug.
    [root@server httpd]#

    I remind you that I need to install GoAccess from CeentOS EPEL, not from the GIT developer. There is available in to 1.3 version.

    [root@server httpd]# yum list installed | grep goaccess
    goaccess.x86_64 1.3-1.el7 @epel
    [root@server httpd]#

    What can I do in this case?

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Either do what the error message suggested and install goaccess >= 1.4 or use awstats in that website instead of goaccess.
    martinhe likes this.
  3. martinhe

    martinhe Member

    Everything that is not in the official CentOS or EPEL repositories is a bleeding edge for me and I don't want to use it. I just don't want to update the SW from somewhere in gitlab. I don't really need GoAccess at all and I won't install it. I will only run ispconfig_update.sh to upgrade from 3.1 to 3.2 and resolved.

    Thank you.

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