godaddy migration to postfix

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by tsu pinoy, Oct 26, 2008.

  1. tsu pinoy

    tsu pinoy New Member

    Good day,

    I am planning to migrate our email from godaddy to a postfix email server.

    One of my requirement is to migrate the existing user to postfix - no problem here.
    Second is to migrate the existing mailbox (email stored in godaddy) - this is my problem. I talked to godaddy technical guy and he said that they don't have a facility to download the users mailbox, the only way to get the email is by using a third party email client like outlook, etc, store it on local machine and re-send it to new email server - which is not a good solution.

    Is there a way to migrate/pull the entire email and store it to postfix maildir?
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    If you don't have shell access to the GoDaddy server, then probably no.

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