Google Chrome and ISPConfig Admin

Discussion in 'General' started by wr19026, Jan 7, 2009.

  1. wr19026

    wr19026 New Member

    I noticed that when using Google's Chrome browser and logged in as admin the email adress and password for all users show as admin@etc and the number of characters for the passsword is identical to that of the admin. I have not seen this in Firefox.

    Is this, as I suspect, a typical Chrome issue? I'm using the latest version of both Chrome and ISPConfig
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    It looks as if you instructed chrome to enter passwords and username automatically for the website, you should disable that.
  3. wr19026

    wr19026 New Member

    That did the trick. Interestingly this never happened with Firefox although I store passwords there as well. Must be a browser issue.

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