Grrrrrrrrrrrrr. As many r's I have spent in hours trying to install this sucker. Google Cloud VM's network is weird, I cannot seem to install ISPConfig with an external Hostname and IPv4 address. It's stuck to "" and "10.168.0.x" I have managed to change the hostname of the machine to but the IPv4 does not change no matter what I do. It is static btw. What should my hosts file look like for google cloud (Debian). Should the A record for the Hostname domain be pointed to the external IP?
When you write IPv4, do you mean the IP-address and you want to change that? You have to contact Google to get a new IP-address for your host. If you have name service for that, you add A record for the hostname you want, for example that You could also ask Google to set up reverse name service, the PTR record, for that IP-address so it resolves to I do not use Google cloud, but I find it unlikely the /etc/hosts file should be something special. You follow the ISPConfig Manual and write the IP-number, FQDN and hostname there for the hosts in your ISPConfig setup. If you have both external and internal IP-numbers, put the external numbers to name service. Add both the external and internal numbers with different hostnames to /etc/hosts. This may be of help:
Okay figured it out. Thanks for your help @Taleman I left the /etc/hosts files (so I keep googles auto settings, which point to internal), and used the Perfect setup guide instead of an auto installer. This worked first try. I tried once more with the auto installer, it worked. Now I have a dual setup for my own DNS. TO others with this issue, make sure your internal and external google IP's are static BUT /etc/hosts file will only show two internal IP's and your servers static IP will not show within the ISPConfig (select your internal one). Also, a side note port 25 is not open and sending/receiving mail will have to be done via an API (with an external program, like sendgrid). Now working on installing primary & secondary servers to use ISPconfig's dns settings instead of google clouds. See it here.
There is tutorial on setting up DNS: