Great software with small probs for beginners -- fine

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by bLuTm8, Jan 1, 2006.

  1. bLuTm8

    bLuTm8 New Member

    Great software with small probs for beginners -- fine

    first, sorry for my bad english :(


    1) Install/Compile Packets:
    some packets ispconfig will compile and install without checking running system for always being there.
    here we should implement some checkboxes using installed php5, openssl-0.98, clamav, spamassassin ... and configuring ispconfig using this packages.
    (rpm or apt database queries give ispconfig all informations about)
    most systems works with presence of more than one of the same bins and libs but this is no solution for transparent work. beginners in administration of unix servers couldnt find such errors in there main server configuration.

    2) I had postfix:
    ispconfig use courier-imap: fine.
    but courier is not only a "tool", it is a complete mail server solution without needs for postfix/sendmail, procmail.
    for linux-standard :( (postfix,procmail,courier-imap) there are hundret howtos and books around the world, but i disagree this als the only one. it is tricky and error intensive.
    qmail is another allinone solution, but his "patchwork" (qmail kernel is not opensource) is for experts only
    disadvantageously, most distributions only offering courier-imap (very old) and courier-authlib (without authlib-mysql) so we must compile this big package.
    hard work, then there are lots of depencies
    (debian, fedora2, pld-linux have all modules)

    3) what should ispconfig do
    no, really big NO, offering integrated courier packages.
    this is (hard) work outside ispconfig for the server admin.
    ispconfig should only have selection for using full courier mail server.
    basics always implemented (maildir suppport, virtual users and domains, mysql authentication...

    4) webinterface
    independently from 2) and 3) ispconfig needs seperate access pages for configuration of the (main) apache configuration, the mailserver and the mailqueue, the server logs and some enhancements for the running daemons on the server.
    in "webs"->apache directives (for the hosted web) should be some examination of double entries (ie: i add some directory or php directives, ispconfig add its owns to).
    better to display all directives from the template in this box ready for add/edit

    5) wishlist
    - snort module
    - spammassassin config page
    - clamav config page
    - cron (add/modify)
    - logrotate (add/modify)

    happy new year
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    These packages are used by ISPConfig only and are totally independent from the rest of the system, i.e., ISPConfig uses its own Apache (on port 81) and PHP which are used only by ISPConfig to serve the ISPConfig web interface and write configuration files in the background. So no matter if you already have Apache and PHP installed, ISPConfig must compile these packages again solely for its own use. Your already installed Apache and PHP aren't affected by the new compilation.

    Not quite sure what you mean with that. ISPConfig supports Postfix and Sendmail, and it's up to you which POP3/IMAP daemon you use. The installation and configuration of Postfix is covered in the tutorials mentioned at the bottom of
  3. bLuTm8

    bLuTm8 New Member

    this concept is very nice (ie "shutting up" main hosting webserver with bad config and must repair in ssh console)

    wishlist-addon: cgi-support for isp-apache 1.3 (for courier webadmin)


    i wish additional support for courier-mta and courier-dropmail as delivery agent.
    ispconfig is a famous solution and works in much cases better then commercial products (confixx, plesk, cpanel ...) -> excellent work :)

    for the moment im writing some (php)addons to ispconfig for this, but they conflicts with the ispconfig code. so i need some help from the ispconfig developers.
    for sendmail and postfix the virtusers placed in plain textfiles and in (mysql)isp_isp_user too.
    courier (with authmysql) needs only one mysql table, but current user table needs some modifications.
    and here is my problem: correct interaction between ispconfig and courier user table


    thanks for reply
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Virtual email users will be available in ISPConfig 3.
    I think one major problem for you might be that ISPConfig doesn't store the user passwords anywhere... They are directly written to /etc/shadow.
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The best way to get this working might be if you have different tables or even a different database for the courier virtual mailusers. You can add a selector in isp_server table to let users switch beween courir ./. postfix + sendmail style in the interface. Depending on thats elector, you can modify the code that writes the text config files to fill the courier tables instaed.

    But maybe this is a bit offtopic for feature requests. If you dont have an dev account yet, please send an email to dev [at] ispconfig [dot] org so we can discuss it more detailed in the devel forum.
  6. hairydog2

    hairydog2 New Member

    Will there be a way to upgrade from 1.2.x to 3 without having to start all over again?
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    There will be an import tool for the settings of the 2.x versions. ISPConfig 2.x will not be discontinued right after the release of ISPConfig 3, as ISPConfig 3 uses a different approch to configure the server.
  8. hairydog2

    hairydog2 New Member

    That's good. I'd not want to have to start all over again!

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