Greylisting and MSN

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by chico11mbit, Aug 13, 2017.

  1. chico11mbit

    chico11mbit Member

    when greylisting is activated no emails are received from MSN. They send the email everytime from another IP. so the greylisting lasts forever. How can i prevent this?
  2. Croydon

    Croydon ISPConfig Developer ISPConfig Developer

    Edit /etc/postgrey/whitelist_clients.local and add the corresponding exclude entries for microsoft, e. g.:
    then restart postgrey.
  3. chico11mbit

    chico11mbit Member

    i only have
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9031 Aug 14 09:21 whitelist_clients
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 189 Nov 28 2013 whitelist_recipients

    so i have to create this whitelist_clients.local file with you entries?
  4. Croydon

    Croydon ISPConfig Developer ISPConfig Developer

    Then just create the file ;-)

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