hard drive resizing

Discussion in 'Desktop Operation' started by wolfgang CLP, Nov 24, 2007.

  1. wolfgang CLP

    wolfgang CLP New Member

    Hello folks,

    just discovered your forum and right now I have already one Question.

    I have resized my C-drive with qparted within Knoppix and it went actually well, somehow.
    While accepting the changes made to c-drive a message popped up saying that the action has failed.
    After restarting no more access to the hard drive, only one message saying error 22.

    Never mind, I got the hard drive back into working condition without loosing any data or files.

    The only problem faced till now is that within the computer management consule the c-drive shows it has been resized but within the file explorer the previous amount of hard disk space is shown.

    Could you kindly tell how to fix the discrepancy in reporting of hard disk space.

    Hope you could assist me and remain :confused:

    with best regards

    Wolfgang CLP
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  3. wolfgang CLP

    wolfgang CLP New Member

    I have tried with the XP tool but it comes up with a message saying that due to files in use the error checking will be carried out before starting XP and nothing changed. Just checked in Mandriva the amount of disk space on C: it shows exactly the same amount.
    Will try out the procedure within Mandriva as mentioned under your link.
    Thanks anyway and remain

    with best regards

    Wolfgang CLP
  4. wolfgang CLP

    wolfgang CLP New Member

    Dear folks,:)
    just got the different hard drive size out of my system.
    The solution was to resize the drive again and now all OS's report the same size.
    Thanks to all in anticipating to this thread and remain
    with best regards
    Wolfgang CLP :rolleyes:

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