Hardware for vmware server

Discussion in 'Technical' started by riccge, Jan 23, 2007.

  1. riccge

    riccge New Member

    Hi all!
    Coud i have some suggestion on which kind on hardware should i have to buy to build a vmware server based on centos for serving 2 win2k3 standardar both with mssql?In particular i don't know how to build the raid : raid 5 software or hardware with adaptec aac 2420sa?And which partitioning scheme would you like to suggest?
    PS:MSsql will not be heavy stressed

    Thanks in advance,
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2007
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I think you can use any standard hardware, but it shouldn't be too new (to give the developers a chance of creating drivers for it ;) ). Buy a standard network card. If you buy one of the new gigabit ethernet cards, it's possible that they're not supported yet. Regarding hardware RAID: make sure that CentOS supports the RAID controller you want to buy. Maybe the vendor or the CentOS mailing lists know more about this.

    The partitioning is totally up to you, e.g. where you want to store the main part of your data, etc. For example, if you want to store your virtual machines under /home, something like this should work:
    /boot 150MB
    / ~5GB
    /home the rest of your hard disk.

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