Has anyone created a way for an end user to use ispconfig?

Discussion in 'General' started by MisterRichard, Oct 13, 2022.

  1. MisterRichard

    MisterRichard Member

    What I mean is, a customer wants to create a forwarding email address, so from the front portal page of ispconfig, they create a user, the system checks against the user database to see if the name is available, creates a user, then let's them into to a custom ispconfig portal where they can setup there own forward from an available domain to their own email address.

    I guess the idea is a limited version of 'add new client' that is internet facing.

    Thanks in advance,

  2. pyte

    pyte Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    You can login to ISPConfig as a customer and add E-Mail Accounts and Rules on your own. From a per User(Mailbox) basis you can log into ISPConfig too and set some things there, or use the roundcube ISPConfig Plugins to set rules for a mailbox.
  3. MisterRichard

    MisterRichard Member

    Hi Pyte,
    Yes, I have been using ISPconfig for years.
    What I would like is the end user to be able to create an account, query if a name isn't taken, then setup their own forwarding, instead of me being in the middle.
  4. pyte

    pyte Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I guess ISPConfig doesn't provide a builtin functionality into the Web Frontend, and for good reason though. However you can simply achieve this by providing a webpage with a register form and use the SOAP API to add the user to ISPConfig.
  5. nhybgtvfr

    nhybgtvfr Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    i don't see why it would be needed...
    either it's a personal email address they want to forward from, in which case they already have an ispconfig account. in which case they can already login and create a mailforward if they have the limits available for it.
    or it's a company account. in which case the end-user should be requesting this from the company who owns the account, who can task whoever has the ispconfig login to create the mailforward. the company may not be happy with company emails going to a personal mailbox. so the decision should be theirs.

    if it's someone looking to setup a completely new account, then that should be part of your product offerings, and purchasing the relevant product in plesk//whmcs/blesta/hostbill etc should create the account and maildomain in ispconfig, then the new owner only has to login to ispconfig and configure the mailforward (and dns)
    till and ahrasis like this.

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