having problems tcp_wrappers with blockhosts???

Discussion in 'General' started by lyndros, Jul 6, 2006.

  1. lyndros

    lyndros New Member

    hi all u guys,

    im using ispconfig, with vsftpd and sshd and i want to prevent brute force attacks to ftp & ssh i found blockhosts script but im having some problems,it seems that spawn does not launches blockshosts script in every connection, because when i run it manually then it works perfectly, i've configure sshd & vsftp in inetd but i think that is a problem with tcp_wrappers,

    does anybody know how to install or configure tcp_wrappers for this services in ubunt?

    thks a lot u all :p
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You should have installed Proftpd instead of vsftpd. It is supported much better by ISPConfig and doesn't need tcp_wrappers...
  3. lyndros

    lyndros New Member

    Thks falko but i bit frightened about removing vsftpd & installing proftpd, will i have any problem with ispconfig panel if i remove vsftpd and installing proftpd because i have many clients on this server...

    thks in advanced
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  5. lyndros

    lyndros New Member

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